Alison Zimmermann

Holding a Bachelor of Arts professional Education degree, and a post-graduate degree in Education, Training and Development, Alison has worked in various capacities in people and learning development for 22 years.

Starting out her career in secondary teaching, Alison evolved her work offering into education and training consulting, and development initiatives across various projects and industries, serving government departments, NGOs and private entities.

As an accredited Assessor, she has designed and facilitated skills-based assessments and contextual learning needs assessments, tailoring programmes to achieve targeted outcomes.

Her strengths lie in identifying individual and organisational learning and development needs, developing appropriate curricula, tools and materials, and facilitating learning.

As an accredited IRIS practitioner, Alison has played a role in identifying human potential for various purposes and clients, including support for talent mapping within a multinational resources company, and in supporting organisational restructure within an SME in a rapid scaling cycle.

She is a published author of several education text books and is able to draw on multiple perspectives to best serve client needs. Alison has an unwavering belief in the power that lies within people to harness their potential and realise their purpose, through self-awareness, appropriate learning contexts and tools, and synergy with other people.

Alison Zimmermann

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9