Consulting Services

Our consulting service generally includes the statistical analysis and interpretation of data obtained through various methods.

The Organisational Development Reports prepared highlight trends and patterns, opportunities and development areas / limitations, and include recommendations on a collaborative way forward (this may include recommendations around strategy, culture, structure, people and capability, systems, and policies and procedures).

In terms of our service offering, we would apply the Matrix of Working Relationships Framework to achieve the following:

  • Assess the structural effectiveness of the organisation:
    Will the organisational structure enable it to achieve its strategic objectives both now and in the future?
  • Amend existing / prepare new job profiles, which will be levelled according to the different themes of work:
    Are jobs defined at the right theme of work, and does each position contribute towards achieving the strategic objectives of the organisation?
  • Develop competencies for each job / job cluster:
    Are competencies defined at the right level / theme of work?
  • Assess human capital readiness to operate at the different themes of work:
    Do incumbents have the right capability / potential to operate effectively at the required level?

Consulting Services

Some of the methods and techniques we incorporate into our consulting service are:

  • Organisational Mapping
  • Organisation Effectiveness Review (Themes of Work Audit)
  • Working Relationships Appreciation (WRA)
  • Job / Position Profiling
  • ​Coaching

Methods & Techniques used

WorkInFlow is the preferred provider of BIOSS technologies in Australasia

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