Initial Recruitment Interview Schedule (IRIS)
The IRIS is used to identify the level of work complexity a participant is comfortable handling both now and in the future. During a person-to-person structured interview, the trained practitioner gains insight into the level of work complexity an individual is currently in flow with, as well as how this is likely to grow and develop in the future. IRIS has been developed specifically for people working in operational levels up to middle management positions.
There are two forms of IRIS:
- one for individuals with less than one year’s work experience,
- a second for those with more.
In summary, the IRIS determines an individual’s:
- Current capability to manage complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty at work;
- Decision-making capability (operational through to strategic);
- Theme of Work where he / she will experience ‘flow’ and engagement;
- “Snapshots” of where an individual is likely to experience flow in 5, 10 and 15 years’ time.
IRIS has been used for graduate recruitment, promotion interviews, career counselling and training.