Colette Cavaleros

Colette Cavaleros is an Organisational / Industrial Psychologist registered with the New Zealand Psychologists Board (90-06383) and the Health Professions Council of South Africa (PS007 1617)

The focus of Colette’s work is around “flow” – creating flow for the individual through supporting the identification and realisation of full potential; and flow in the organisation through supporting the creation of optimal structures and conditions so that full value can be extracted from its human capital.

Over the last 20+ years Colette has accumulated a wealth of consulting experience across a multitude of industries including cellular, mining, pharmaceutical, retail, hospitality, manufacturing, automotive, construction, aviation, financial/banking, para-statal and government. She has worked successfully with diverse groups of people, across all levels in organisations, predominantly in Africa and Australasia.

Areas of specialty include restructuring, organisational analysis and design, assessment centre design and implementation, succession planning and talent management, leadership and skills development, competency framework development, and team dynamics.

Colette has a MA Human Resource Management: Industrial Psychology Degree.  She started her career as a Consultant at Dyad Training and Development, followed by 3 years at KPMG / Global Edge in a Consultant capacity. She spent 4 years at BIOSS SA in the role of (Senior) Consultant, and then joined Assessment Centre Technologies initially as a Senior Industrial Psychologist and then as National Operations Manager. She managed her own Consultancy for 9 years in South Africa, and during that period, was an Associate of Deloitte Human Capital and BIOSS SA. She moved to New Zealand in July 2016, and is currently Managing Partner at WorkInFlow.

With a strong focus on collaboration and customer service, the aspect of her work she finds most fulfilling is “drawing on my global network to partner with my clients in creating customised and fit-for-purpose solutions”. Her approach and style is pragmatic and balanced, and remains business focused rather than technically complex.

Colette is a certified CPA, MCPA and IRIS Practitioner, as well as a MWR Practitioner. She completed the Workplace Coach Training Programme (certified as Stage One of the ICF Credential Pathway), and is also an accredited IRIS, Custodian and MWR Practitioner Trainer. She is accredited in the use of a wide range of occupational / psychometric assessments that measure the following dimensions: Personality (OPQ, OPP, WAVE, 15FQ+, 16PF), Behaviour (PPA, PDA), Aptitude (a wide range of ability assessments), Emotional Intelligence (EQi 2.0), Learning Potential (APIL B, TRAM), Integrity (IP200, IMI), IQ (WAIS), Values and Interests (VMP, OIP), ELDI 360-degree assessment, Psymetrics Suite of Assessments, Working Relationships Appreciation

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