Dion Hardy

A seasoned senior executive with 16 years’ C-Suite Managerial experience in global manufacturing businesses and 6 years in a variety of senior consulting engagements across a range of business contexts and industry sectors. History of forging successful results and tangible value, in often very challenging, complex and change situations, in large organisations.

I’m proud of my people-focused, participative leadership style, non-negotiable personal integrity, and committed work ethic. I very quickly advanced along my chosen career path, starting at a Cost Management Accountant level and progressing to General Manager of a substantial multi-site operation. I’ve also enjoyed the entrepreneurial aspect of business and have set up and developed a number of ventures personally and through consulting engagements.

I am passionate about the application of new learning and personal growth which enable me to excel in the present while positioning and preparing for the new world of work. In my view, being agile in a rapidly transforming world is at the core of articulating success

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

