Jacqui Ambrose

Jacquie is an experienced management consultant based in the UK.

Starting her career in South Africa, she spent 8 years at Rainbow Farms and 9 years prior to that at Unilever, before starting her own consulting company focused primarily on supporting the people and process elements of systems implementations through Change Management.

During her 17 year corporate career, Jacquie has managed an HR Centre of Excellence and co-ordinated many large organisational changes including a number of HR systems and process implementations across the various corporate functional streams including Finance, IT, Supply Chain, HR, Distribution, Manufacturing and Agriculture.

Jacquie’s expertise lies in strategic HR management and the specialised functions of IT Change Management, with specific reference to:

  • Change Management
  • Information Systems implementations (People Streams)
  • Organisational development and learning.
  • Training and capacity building
  • Organisational design and alignment
  • Business process development
  • Performance and talent systems

Jacqui holds degrees in BSocSci (Hons) Industrial Psychology degree, and MSocSci Industrial and Labour Studies.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

